Sign up for alerts, prepare your home and check before your travel.

People in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are encouraged to make sure they’re flood-ready, following a Met Office forecast for heavy rain this week.
The amber warning says heavy rain between midnight tonight and lunchtime on Thursday may lead to flooding and disruption to travel in places.

Councils, emergency services and other agencies across the area are advising people to sign up for flood alerts, prepare their homes if they live in flood areas and check before they travel.
Local councils will have crews available during the day and night to keep the roads moving and deal with any incidents of localised flooding, if required.
"We will constantly monitor the weather situation and resources will be available if needed. However, we would urge motorists, cyclists and pedestrians to take extra care. Please don’t attempt to drive, cycle or walk through floods – it is incredibly dangerous, the water can be deeper than it looks."
Councillor Trevor Pendleton, County Council cabinet member for highways and transport.
Matt Cane, Area Manager Operational Response at Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, said:
“We strongly advise members of the public to never attempt to drive through flood water. If you cannot see the road surface beneath the water, it is too deep to drive through. Just six inches of water can cause you to lose control of your car, or stall it when water is sucked into the engine and exhaust. Two feet of flowing water can sweep away most vehicles, including large 4x4s.
“If you come across a flooded road, find an alternative route and ensure you pay attention to any ‘Road Closed’ signs. If there is a risk to life or you are physically trapped by flood water, call us on 999 – we are still here to help.”
Chief Constable, Simon Cole, added: “As we are expecting heavy rain over the next week, I really want to stress how important it is to be prepared. The right kit could save your life, or your property, so please check out the website if you are in a flood area. We would like to remind drivers to stay safe and to not take any risks with floods as this is how most drivers suddenly find they are stuck in a perilous situation waiting for emergency services to save them.”
You can prepare by:
Signing up to receive warnings
Putting important documents out of flood risk
Checking your insurance covers you for flooding
Making a flood plan and prepare a flood kit
Finding out where you can get sandbags
Identifying who can help you/who you can help
Identifying what you would need to take with you if you had to leave your home
For the latest on the roads, follow your local council and emergency services as well as Area Traffic Control @ATCLeicester
Leicestershire County Council News