Leicestershire Police recently welcomed local cycling club members who took part in a mass ride out to highlight the risks to vulnerable road users.
Thirty-seven riders helped to promote the Share the Road campaign and cycle club members were offered a free Share the Road gilet which carried a reminder for motorists to pass cyclists safely.
The ride out began at Everards Meadows, near the Leicestershire Police HQ, before meeting for refreshments at a coffee shop in the south east of the county. Having a large number of cyclists wearing the Share the Road gilets, which carried this very important road safety message, served as a strong visual reminder to motorists of the importance of driving considerately around other vulnerable road users.
Road side signs are also being used to promote the Share the Road campaign, these signs are being rolled out at numerous locations across the Leicestershire Police force area to highlight the presence of vulnerable road users such as cyclists, horse riders and pedestrians.
Jonathan Clarkson, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Road Safety Partnership spokesperson said, “While the recent Share the Road ride out proved to be a great success we would like to remind all cyclists of the need to follow the Highway Code, especially around red traffic lights, ensuring they having working lights if riding at night, having proper control of their bike and point 66 of the Highway code which covers:
Both hands on the handlebars except when signalling / changing gear
Never ride more than two abreast, and ride in single file on narrow or busy roads and when riding around bends.
Be considerate of other road users.
“We would also like to take this opportunity to remind drivers to give motorcyclists, cyclists and horse riders at least as much room as you would when overtaking a car.”