Plans are being finalised to provide the county’s key workers with rapid community testing for Covid-19.

Leicestershire County Council hopes to have one rapid test centre open in each district over the next few weeks, with the current test centre in Wigston Fields available to key workers from today.

One in three people who have coronavirus show no symptoms, and rapid lateral flow testing, led by the council’s public health team, can help to quickly identify individuals and stop the spread of infection.
Rapid testing is only for those who don’t have symptoms and aren’t already isolating. It will be open to key workers and anyone else in the county who cannot currently work from home.
"Key workers have had a vital role to play in supporting us all during the pandemic. Rapid testing for these workers – will help to protect them, their colleagues and customers by identifying cases and stopping further spread of coronavirus.
We are also looking for testing assistants to help staff the sites as we open them and I would urge anyone who can spare the time to help us with this programme, to please find out more about the role."
Nick Rushton, Leader of Leicestershire County Council
The lateral flow tests are self-administered at an approved test site – and you can leave the site straight after you have taken your swab. Results will be sent out by text or email by the end of that day. Sites will be open 6 days each week.
Anyone who currently cannot work from home is eligible.
To book a test click here
Rapid asymptomatic testing can help identify people who are infected but do not have symptoms. This helps to prevent the spread of the virus.
We are now targeting all those who live, or work in Leicestershire, and are not able to work from home during the current lockdown, as well as the residents of Wigston.
This test is voluntary.

Leicestershire County Council News Wednesday, 20 January, 2021