Leicestershire fire service attended a flat fire in Mountsorrel tonight (Saturday 13th July) on Market place They was called around 7.30pm to a fire with persons reported inside the building.
2 people jumped out of 3rd floor window after Flat fire takes hold in Mountsorrel tonight.

Number of calls reporting flats involved. Incident treated as Persons reported.
Assistance message to Make Pumps 5 & Aerial ladder platform in use.
3 floor building involved. Fire located on the 2nd floor and into the roof space 4 breathing apparatus 2 hose reel 2 main jets in use.
All persons accounted for, 2 casualties being treated by EMAS East Midlands ambulance service.
Bystanders said that 5 ambulances and the air ambulance attended the incident. We have no details on any injuries at this time.
Updated Sunday 14th July 2019 - Video the morning after the fire
🔴 Update 22:00
Incident scaled down to 2 fire appliances.
Fire investigations will take place in the morning.
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