Innovative projects that will support people and businesses in Leicester can now bid for a share of the Government’s £220million UK Community Renewal Fund.
Set up to boost the 100 communities most in need across the UK, the fund is part of the Government’s bid to level up access to opportunities across the country.
To be eligible to apply for funding, projects must provide innovative ways to boost investment in skills, local businesses, communities and places – or must support people into employment.
Voluntary and community sector organisations in Leicester, together with local councils, universities and business support organisations, will be able to register their interest in bidding for a share of the funding from today (Friday 16 April).
The scheme will be administered locally by Leicester City Council, which will prioritise the city’s bids into a shortlist with a total value of no more than £3million that will be submitted to the Government for approval.
Cllr Danny Myers, assistant city mayor for jobs, skills and policy delivery, said: “We want to make sure that Leicester takes advantage of every bit of funding that’s available to help us bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic.
“This new opportunity could provide £3million to fund innovative projects in Leicester that would boost the local economy, improve opportunities for local people and support our priorities around employment and business.
“I would encourage any local groups and organisations with big ideas to go to our website and find out how they can bid for a share of this funding and make their ideas for positive change a reality.”
Each bid for funding should seek a minimum of £250,000, with a preferred bid size of £500,000+ – and all successful projects must be complete, and funding spent, before the end of March 2022.
Applicants are asked to register their interest to bid by 30 April, and should complete the full application form by 21 May. The Government is due to make its funding decisions in late July.
The application documents, which should be read carefully, are available on Leicester City Council’s website at www.leicester.gov.uk/communityrenewalfund.
Questions about the fund or the application process can be emailed to CRFund@leicester.gov.uk
The UK Community Renewal Fund will be administered nationally by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, which hopes the scheme will help local areas prepare for the launch of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund next year.
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is the Government’s response to supporting people and places across the country, following the COVID-19 pandemic and Britain’s departure from the European Union.
Leicester City Council News