PCC Rupert Matthews is seeking your views on the amount of police funding raised through the local council tax. “It is vital I set a budget to give Leicestershire Police the resources they need.”
As Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland I am determined to provide an efficient and effective police service to you, the public.
That means that I am responsible for setting the annual budget for Leicestershire Police so that the Chief Constable has adequate resources in order to meet the demands and expectations of the public. I also determine the local policing priorities by listening to what local residents tell me. As part of my Police and Crime Plan consultation I asked how important the following were to you:
To have more visible policing
To invest in the best technology for our police
Community policing
More support for victims of crime
More robust urban and rural policing
Protection from crime
To work with key community stakeholders to reduce crime
More co-operation between the police, local authorities and other agencies.
The majority of the respondents to the consultation prioritised visible policing and community policing as being particularly important. I also asked for any other comments comments from respondents which led to some strong key themes were identified including:
Wanting to see a stronger police presence
Wanting to see Violence Against Women and Girls to be more of a priority
Drugs are an issue
Wanting to see more victim support
Wanting to see focus on preventing crime rather than reacting to crime
Wanting to see more rural policing
The priorities in the Police and Crime Plan reflect what local people tell me are important, which is why I want to hear from you through this survey about changes to the budget. In 2021/22, the budget for Leicestershire Police was made up of 58% from Government grant funding and 42% from local residents through council taxation (known as precept).
Like all public services, Leicestershire Police is facing rising costs from inflation, increase in demand and the increasing complexity of crimes. This means that next year an increase in the precept will be needed just for Leicestershire Police to maintain its current position and meet the costs of pay and price increases.
It is vital that I set a budget that will give Leicestershire Police the resources they need to implement the Police and Crime Plan which was written in consultation with you, the public. I want to ensure that the residents of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are listened to and those matters which are considered important to you are reflected in the way we police in the future.
The Government has said that Police and Crime Commissioners can raise the precept by up to £10 a year for a band D home; that’s a rise of just over 19p a week. (See table below for equivalent rise in Council tax for each council tax band.)
The decision to raise council tax is one that I do not take lightly. However, if we are to maintain the current level of service the precept will need to increase and if I am to implement improvements that you, the public, have asked for then the precept will need to rise further.
I want to hear from you so that I can make an informed decision.
Click below to take part in the survey.