Leicestershire Police and the Road Safety Partnership has today (Tuesday 4 June, 2019) launched a brand new road safety campaign encouraging all road users to respect each other.
The initiative known as, ‘Share the Road’ focuses on every type of road user, from rambler and horse rider to motorist and cyclist. It aims to reduce the number of traffic collisions and foster mutual respect among all those who use the roads.
PC Shaun Gent, from the Safer Roads Team said: “Now is a good time to launch the campaign because we tend to see a rise in road traffic collisions over June and July as more people are out and about during the lighter evenings and warmer weather.
This is very much an educational campaign which is looking to change the way that people behave on the roads, rather than simply punishing people. This will be reflected in our operational work."
Lord Willy Bach, Leicestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, added: “Public highways are just that, public. They are there for everyone and we should all respect every road user’s right to travel in safety. This campaign will help to get that message across.”
Life size cut outs of every road using community have been created and will be displayed on notoriously dangerous routes.
The safer roads team will then assess road behaviours and respond appropriately.
The force has joined up with some key partners to help share the messages among road users.
Jenny Vincent, Head of Participation at British Triathlon, said: “We are fully supportive of Leicestershire Police and the Road Safety Partnership’s ‘Share the Road’ campaign; echoing their beliefs that the road is for everyone. Many triathlon events take place on open roads across Great Britain and we hope the campaign will support educating more road users, triathletes or otherwise, in how to be more respectful of each other. We hope, in turn, the number of road-related accidents will reduce and we can continue to attract even more participants into our growing sport.”
Alan Hiscox, Director of Safety at The British Horse Society, said: “Last year alone, 87 horses and four people were killed on UK roads and 73% of the 845 incidents reported to the British Horse Society occurred due to vehicles passing by too closely.
“By collaborating on this new campaign we hope more drivers will be aware that when they are faced with a horse on the road they should slow down to a maximum of 15mph, be patient and ensure they pass the horse wide and slow, before driving slowly away. We also encourage riders to play their part by wearing high visibility clothing at all times and by thanking all road users that pass by safely.”
Jim Freeman, chairman of the British Motorcyclists Federation, said: “The BMF welcomes all initiatives that support the rights of vulnerable road user groups. As bike riders, we know what it's like to be ignored by mainstream road users, so we respect those on foot, with four legs and pedals. Equally we realise that the forbearance of those on four or more wheels depends on our respecting the rules and not flouting traffic laws, designed to protect all of us.”
Rodney Kumar, spokesman for IAM RoadSmart, the UK’s biggest independent road safety charity, agreed. He said: “The only way we will make sure there are fewer victims on the road is to share it well.”
Joe Stanley from the National Farmers Union, urged those using rural roads to “expect the unexpected” and pay attention to farm traffic.
Show support for Share the Road by placing one of our campaign car stickers on your window – available from your local police station.
For any further information of Leicestershire Police’s Share the Road campaign, please go to: https://www.leics.police.uk/sharetheroad